No honor among thieves!
Genre: Family game / Push-your-luck / Majority
Designer: Ludovic MAUBLANC
Artist: Christine ALCOUFFE
French release date : 09/2023

Join the legendary Magpies gang and take risks to steal the most valuable items, while tricking your opponents!
Mind Detective Nightingale as he will relentlessly try to catch you red-handed!
In this competitive game, you’ll ruffle some feathers!
Reveal your loot, grab it and then share the spoils!
Reveal, one after another, the cards on the board. If you are cautious, then stop before Detective Nightingale catches you! You get as many cards as shown in the last area you reached on the board.
Other players then take a card in turn order.
Reveal your loot, grab it and then share the spoils!
Reveal, one after another, the cards on the board. If you are cautious, then stop before Detective Nightingale catches you! You get as many cards as shown in the last area you reached on the board.
Other players then take a card in turn order.
Stop before it’s too late!
Detective Nightingale is after you. He moves towards you for each arrow shown on the cards! If he ever catches you red-handed, you lose your turn. Other players will still grab some loot!
Trick your opponents!
There are 5 types of items you can collect, some being more precious than others. Some have alarms on them. Whenever you have 3 alarms in a single collection, that entire collection is lost! Have your opponents draw them, then!
Trick your opponents!
There are 5 types of items you can collect, some being more precious than others. Some have alarms on them. Whenever you have 3 alarms in a single collection, that entire collection is lost! Have your opponents draw them, then!
You must have the most cards in one or more collections. They grant you victory tokens with points! Some cards also score you points!
The Magpie with the highest score wins!